Fully Responsive WordPress Websites From Only £299

A Few Words About Us

Why Choose Us?

We're a small team of web designers, based in Fareham, Hampshire. We offer unique, responsive, WordPress websites at unbeatable prices.

Our clients range from small start ups & sole traders to global companies & even former Premier League footballers!

We believe many companies hugely overcharge for web design services and we pride ourselves on offering fair pricing, without sacrificing on quality!
Projects Completed....
....Cups of coffee..probably

What we Offer

A website that seriously punches above it's price point!

If you're based in Fareham, Gosport or Hampshire and need help with a website at an affordable price, then you have come to the right place!

We offer WordPress website design packages at the most affordable prices anywhere locally. This means you can get your business online with a fully responsive, 3 page design from only £299 - including 1 years hosting, full content management & an SSL Certificate!

Our designs are unique, we never use the same design twice and all websites come with the most up to date software available anywhere.

You can have the functionality of an expensive website from just £299 with Fareham Website Design. We don't charge monthly (unless pre-agreed) & even include the small things like a favicon - This is the icon that appears on the page tab.

Let's Build your dream website...

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